Saturday, July 29, 2006

New features in GTalk and random thoughts on IMs

Google has just added a couple of new features to GTalk. The features are not cutting edge, in fact its stuff that most IMs had a zillion years ago such as file transfer and voicemail. Okay, so voice mail has only been around for a thousand years. More interestingly it was the way the updates were installed that stood out. GTalk auto-downloaded the new features and presented them to me when I logged in today morning . I remember years back MSN Messenger would require an upgrade if new features were added. I had to go from version 6 to 7 to do something new and if I didn't I couldn't use MSN to do something new with people already on 7.
I am a big fan of GTalk, in fact I don't use any other IM anymore. I like its sparse, clean features. Other IMs notably MSN Messenger are too cluttered with features, ads, etc. Even the placement of new features in GTalk makes good use of available real estate. In fact it gives the impression that these locations were predetermined. I am trying to guess where the guys from Googleplex will place the next feature.

I was just thinking of new types of call center interactions between users and agents for a Telecom Mgmt assignment. I can't figure out why companies that have call center operations don't have some sort of tie up with major IMs such as AOL, MSN, Yahoo (unfortunately GTalk is not major yet). I mean companies that have good call center operations such as Dell have poured money into chat technology that use HTTP or some MS technology such as Active X. Why not display an MSN/Yahoo email address? Users can contact the agents through their IM of choice.
I see two benefits for companies with call center companies such as Dell:
  1. Reduced maintenance operations cost of the HTTP chat technology.
  2. Most IMs support voice chat. Agents can use the IM to have a voice chat with the customers. VoIP can reduce telecom costs.
I see at least one major benefit for the IM companies such as MSN:
  1. A new revenue stream. IMs can promise a higher QoS to the email addresses of the call center companies so that the customer has a good voice chat experience. The IMs can make money either per call or on annual revenues.
hmmm....may be I should have taken the Strategic Corp Mgmt class.


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