Sunday, December 31, 2006

Google Fusion - Introduction

Google at last count has 83 products! This number includes both test-stage and completed products. The uncontrolled growth of products has side effects such as poor integration between the products. For example, till some time back most of Google’s products such as social networking website Orkut, online document editor Writely, Gmail, etc had an independent web presence. Users were required to remember myriad username and passwords making it difficult for them to use the products. The uncontrolled innovation and poor integration of Google’s products early on with one another can be one reason why they still trail the market leaders in their respective categories. Some have likened the uncontrolled innovation at Google to the strategy of throwing a lot of stuff against the wall and seeing what sticks. Cofounder Sergey Brin has publicly acknowledged that the myriad product releases are confusing users and is leading a company wide initiative called 'Features, not products.' Instead of developing new individual products in their own silos the company now plans create horizontal functionality across a range of products.

The Fusion series of blogs is essentially my opinion as a user on features I would like integrated between the various Google products that I use. As a user and a strategic thinker I am confident that there is an opportunity for Google to cement its place as the Internet powerhouse by better integrating its products. The name Fusion sounds appropriate for a strategy to fuse or link Google products together to create a unified Internet experience for users. This unified experience can create lock-in as users get better at using the integrated products. Finally, if the series doesn't make any sense or seems impractical consider this series as my wish list in the new year.

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